I just received this email from Gab

Loads of stuff, about all sorts including congrats. Join in. Relax.
The Racing stuff goes on elsewhere mostly..
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I just received this email from Gab

Unread post by steve-e »

Frightening what some believe...

How can you think straight and make rational decisions when each and everyday you hear conflicting and contradictory information from “authoritative” sources? You can’t. No one can. That’s the whole point. That’s why the powers that be are doing this.

Welcome to the secular hell of a post-truth world.

We don’t need to wear masks. No wait, now we do. Hold up now we need to wear two masks. We can stop wearing masks now. Surprise, we need to wear masks again. Actually it turns out masks aren’t as effective as we thought.

We just need 15 days to slow the spread. Now we need a month. Maybe a year. Never mind, we didn’t need to lockdown at all and it caused more harm than good.

Don’t take any vaccine that Donald Trump rushed to market. You didn’t get the vaccine, are you nuts? The vaccine is highly effective. Oops it looks like highly vaccinated Israel is having a major outbreak. Get the vaccine or lose your job.

Are you keeping up? This is the reality of living in a post-truth world.

They want us shell shocked with rapidly changing information overload which leads to option paralysis and fear. When people are in a state of fear coupled with option paralysis they are very susceptible to manipulation and easy to control.

While we are all dazed and confused they are destroying families, small businesses, and entire nations. They are rigging elections, they are botching troop withdrawals to flood western countries with refugees, the American border is being invaded by hundreds of thousands of people, they are buying up single family homes and pricing you out of the market, they are printing endless money and inflating your currency.

They are transferring trillions of dollars in wealth to themselves and shutting up each and every last voice of dissent to it all while doing it.

All while the while you worry about a virus that statistically you have a 99% chance of surviving with the immune system God gave you.

It’s exhausting and impossible to keep up with by design. It’s meant to drain you mentally, physically, and spiritually so that you submit to their control. Don’t.

In the post-truth world anything goes. Chaos reigns. Those who create the chaos manifest their means of control. Do not comply. Do not give them one inch. Stand your ground. Hold the line.

Christians reject the post-truth world.

We have absolute Truth in Jesus Christ and His Gospel as a firm foundation on which to stand. God is our authority. Not the CDC. Not the Biden administration. Not the WHO. Nor the talking heads on CNN and Fox News. In the darkness of chaos Jesus is the Light that leads us to salvation. Jesus saves. That is the fundamental Truth of the Gospel. Now more then ever we need saving. We need Truth. We need Order.

The battle rages on, but the war has already been won and we must never forget that. We must cling to the cross and stand firm in our convictions. We must love one another, obey God, and humble ourselves enough to fully depend on Him in this time of great trial.

I know we can do it, because we serve the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Creator of the universe.

May you find comfort in His Truth and keep the faith.

God bless you and God bless America,

Andrew Torba
CEO, Gab.com
Jesus is King

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steve@steveenglish.com subject:login and whatever details you remember
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Re: I just received this email from Gab

Unread post by Seagoon »

It's not often I'm lost for words but I am certainly struggling to compose a rational response. But then of course there can't be a rational response to a totally irrational statement like the above.
I hadn't heard of "Gab" until this little gem appeared and it looks like I hadn't missed anything.
I thought I was right-wing until I read a small sample of Gab's offering but I realize now that I must be a pinko leftie :-)
As you say - it's frightening what some people believe
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Re: I just received this email from Gab

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It had "god bless you and god bless America" at the end so it must be true.

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Re: I just received this email from Gab

Unread post by steve-e »

Ecosse Lynx wrote: Tue Aug 31, 2021 7:02 am Hi

It had "god bless you and god bless America" at the end so it must be true.

:D :D
steve@steveenglish.com subject:login and whatever details you remember
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Re: I just received this email from Gab

Unread post by petercaughlin »

One of the American songs is either called or has a main line in it "This is the country with God on its side" that shows an incredible conceit but if true that God is on the side of the Americans and what they do, perhaps this is one of the reasons why less and less people believe in God
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Re: I just received this email from Gab

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Another email......

I spent all of August working all hours of the day to help fight back against the medical tyranny going on around the world while also fighting off the slings and arrows of the Globalist American Empire who wasn’t too happy about it.

At the end of July I published religious exemption documents in response to the overwhelming amount of private messages I received on Gab with people telling me that their school, workplace, and even our military would be forcing them to get inject an experimental vaccine into their body or lose everything.

The documents went wildly viral, not only on Gab, but across the entire internet. This caught the attention of the Enemy, who swiftly began their usual tactics of defaming me for reminding people that they have religious liberty, bodily autonomy, and human rights.

The first attack came from the New York Times and a Facebook-funded “research firm.” They claimed that by sharing religious exemption documents that I was spreading “misinformation.” Next the far-left blog New Republic did their best to smear me, but ended up making Gab look pretty based if you ask me. Finally, the far-left establishment activists at Media Matters said I was trying to "sabotage" vaccination efforts. 

All of these attacks made me double down on my position of educating and helping the public, especially my brothers and sisters in Christ, navigate the most tyrannical attack on freedom in recent memory.

We created the No Vax Job Board group on Gab, which was a massive success and is leading to people finding new jobs without vaccine requirements.

Then I published a religious exemption template for college students as they faced being kicked out of school at the start of the fall semester for refusing to be injected.

I even sent an email (and encouraged others to do the same) to my own alma mater after learning that they were rejecting religious exemptions.

Oh and in case you missed it, Congress sent a letter to Gab and we responded here.

Needless to say, it was a busy month.

We must do everything we can right now to peacefully protect our freedom by building a parallel society. It’s baffling to me how people do not recognize the urgency of the situation we are in. We have lost so much over the past 18 months and we will never get it back unless we start taking a stand right this second.

That means putting in the work. You may need to find a new job. You may need to move. You may need to pull your children out of school. You may need to find a new doctor, a new church, a new everything. You may even have to show up at your local city council and school board meetings to let them have a piece of your mind.

What does a parallel society look like?

It looks like homeschooling your kids, turning off the television, deleting your Facebook account, reading your Bible, spending more time with your kids, moving to a better area near people who share your values, getting involved in local instead of national politics, finding a church that isn’t woke, supporting businesses who support your values, consuming content from people who share your values, and radically removing each and every last corrosive system of control and fear of the globohomo society from your life.

It won’t be easy, nothing worthwhile is, but it can and is being done by so many people in your exact position.

Let me ask you something: what is your freedom worth to you?

To me it is worth everything.

The freedom to worship in my church without permission from the State. The freedom to work without being forced to inject myself with a substance that I do not want in my body. The freedom to have a political opinion on the internet without being banned from banks and social networks. The freedom for my children to learn without having a disgusting and unhealthy dirty mask over their faces for eight hours a day and being told they are evil for their skin color.

Are these freedoms worth making an effort to preserve and protect? Absolutely. If they are to you, you better start acting like it because no one is coming to save you. Not politicians. Not Presidents. Only Jesus Christ saves and God helps those who help themselves.

Diligent hands will rule,

    but laziness ends in forced labor. Proverbs 12:24

We are faced with a choice as we undergo one of the most radical power plays in human history by the global elite. We can shut up, put on the mask, take the 4+ (and counting) vaccines, and be treated like cattle, or we can peacefully take action by exiting their entire system and forging our own path forward in a parallel economy, a parallel internet, and a parallel society.

To God be the Glory,

Andrew Torba
CEO, Gab.com
Only Jesus Saves

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steve@steveenglish.com subject:login and whatever details you remember
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Re: I just received this email from Gab

Unread post by petercaughlin »

I suppose the one thing about living in the Land of the Free is you`re free to be a nutcase, free to buy guns to kill people who you think threaten you,free to not be Vaccinated and then be free to die from the illness, the problem with these people is their freedoms impinge on others, by not Vaccinating they can pass the disease onto you,by uncontrolled gun buying it leaves others to being shot by a nutcase,the trouble with America is it is basically still a cowboy state, and the one thing is said that America is the only country to go from barbarism to decandence without passing through civilisation,if it makes you feel good read your bible and talk to Jesus, thats exactly what Tony Blair and George W Bush did when contemplating a course of action in Iraq, and we all know how that turned out don`t we.
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Re: I just received this email from Gab

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You must go onto some dodgy sites to be on this lads email list !

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Re: I just received this email from Gab

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I joined Gab and Parler around the time of the January 6th incident just to see what was really being said. I haven't been on Parler for a while, they're both scary brainwashed places.
steve@steveenglish.com subject:login and whatever details you remember
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Re: I just received this email from Gab

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Conservatives are facing an uphill battle. Marxists are running all of the major corporations: from Hollywood to San Francisco, Coca-Cola to Starbucks, from Google to Facebook, the corporations have been infiltrated by ideologues. 

It’s times like these that conservatives need to ask themselves some serious questions about the current situation. Why are all the major global brands forcing secularism down the throats of Americans? Why are so few major businesses refusing Marxist globalism? Why are these capitalistic industries suddenly willing to make business decisions that hurt the bottom line? 

The answer is theology. 

Big Tech and the Mainstream Media do not suffer from a lack of theology. No one does. Everyone from Zuckerberg to Jeff Zucker are image bearers, created in the image of God. They are religious creatures. They have foundational beliefs, moral structures, and metaphysical commitments as strong as any fundamentalist.

They have an eschatological system rooted in the belief that by liberalism some men will inherit the earth.

They have commitments that they are willing to sacrifice for and actions that they will defend as vehemently as any sacrament. They are wrong, but wrong theology is theology none the less. When you reject the Triune God of Scripture, the vacuum that remains will be filled with a different religion. 

For the last 200 years Christian theology has been in retreat. It has not expected Christ to conquer the world. It has not believed, like many of our Founding Fathers, that true faith could build nations. It has been dedicated to persecution and tribulation. 

Thanks to the teachings of John Nelson Darby and CI Scofield, Christians, since the late 1800’s, have expected things to get worse and worse. Christians have been encouraged to focus on “just sharing the Gospel” and wait out the storm until we are raptured away.

The Antichrist might come at any moment. Hopefully he’s already here!

This has had a tremendously positive effect when it comes to global evangelism. The 19th and 20th centuries have poured more money and resources into missionary organizations then in the entire history of the world. 

But it has been terrible for the church’s desire to transform governments or build industries.

Look at all the millions of dollars that have been put into nations like Haiti and the poorest nations in Africa. Why is it that with so much money and missions, the people still suffer from oppressive governments and still don’t understand capitalism? 

Why does the most Christian nation in the history of the earth, with churches on every block, that has spent billions of dollars spreading the gospel into every corner of the earth, have so few Christians controlling Fortune 100 companies, or positioned for such a time as this in the highest levels of government? 

Two different worldviews are competing with each other. The liberal worldview that cares very little for the spiritual or the afterlife, and the other a worldview, from Darby and Scofield, that care nothing for the building of nations or multi-generational industries. 

Take this quote from John Nelson Darby: “The imminent return of Christ‘totally forbids all working for earthly objects distant in time.’ Francis William Newman, Phases of Faith; or, Passages From the History of My Creed (London: George Woodfall and Son, 1850), 35.)*

Or this, from a more recent hero, Dr. John MacArthur, who was forced to fight the State of California and won: 

“‘Reclaiming’ the culture is a pointless, futile exercise. I am convinced we are living in a post-Christian society—a civilization that exists under God’s judgment.”(John F. MacArthur, The Vanishing Conscience: Drawing the Line in a No-Fault, Guilt-Free World (Dallas: Word, 1994), 12.)*

For the past 200 years, Christians have believed that things are going to get worse and worse. This faithlessness stunted the entrepreneurial spirit of American Christians. For centuries it was the faith of Christians that expected the world to last, and expected God’s blessings to be generational, that made this nation, and western civilization into the kind of place that would be able to afford to send missionaries to the rest of the world.

Christians no longer build hospitals, we don’t pioneer technological innovations, we don’t build businesses that can be used to bless our great, great, great grandchildren. We look askance when Kanye West said, “This for my kid, kid, kid, for when my kid, kid, kids have kids.”

Compare this end of the world “at-any-time sort” of thinking with Arthur Guinness, the creator of Guinness Beer, of Dublin, Ireland. He leased St. James Gate, the site of the Guinness Brewery for 9000 years. Building a business with a nearly decamillennial lease makes no sense if you are looking around every corner of history for the antichrist. 

Check out our full line of Christian flags only on the Gab Shop.

Christians built the printing press, but instead of furthering that technology, we used the internet to build online book stores for small Christian audiences while we allowed Bezos to build Amazon.  Instead of trying to take over Hollywood and use its resources to serve our neighbors and propagate the Christian worldview, we made cheesy movies that warned people to keep their eyes on the skies because the end of the world will be happening at any moment. Instead of using capital to invest in business and industry, we buried our capital in the back yard and called it stewardship. 

Don’t get me wrong; I believe that Jesus will return one day. All Christians do. But I do not believe He will return to a powerless church, hiding like Gideon in the winepresses. I believe He will return victorious, having defeated every enemy (Marxists included) from the right hand of God by the power of the gospel going forth in the power of the Spirit. I believe that when Christ returns, the gospel will have reached every corner of the earth, and so with it the blessings of the gospel that always follow on its train. 

1 Corinthians 15:24-25 promises the opposite of a doom and gloom timeline. 

Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet.

This is an eschatology of victory. This is an eschatology that says our enemies will be defeated and that Christianity will prevail. Look around you. There are enemies of Christ in every major business, every governmental institution, every fabric of society. They will be defeated. Not by violent warfare, but by the preaching of the gospel that believes that Christ will be victorious in time and space. 

We need a faith that believes that Christ saves you from sin and hell, but also believes that salvation inspires you to transform the world now. 

Christians built the telegraph machine, the Trans-Atlantic cable, and the printing press. We built the greatest nation the world has ever known, and then we abandoned the eschatology of Jonathan Edwards for the doomed end-times scenarios of Darby and Scofield. 

We have abandoned an eschatology of victory and the liberals and Marxists were more than happy to pick it up.

But, unlike the Christian eschatology that rejoices in a flourishing humanity reflecting the loving community of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, they trust in themselves to use government and industry to convert the world to a communistic new earth. They have only ever created hellholes, each more terrifyingly life-destroying than the last.  

It’s time to remember that we serve a victorious King. 

All governments rest on Christ’s shoulders. Our God is over all business ventures and technological innovation. It’s time to build, invent, and pioneer in such a way that our great, great, great, great grandchildren will still benefit. We must not just build parallel economies, hoping we might survive. We must build strong secondary economies, trusting that they will be a blessing to many when they become primary. 

*1. https://americanvision.org/22349/whose- ... o-and-end/

Marcus Pittman is the CEO of LOOR.tv, a new streaming platform being built with one purpose…to Cancel Hollywood and empower film makers to tell the stories they have always wanted. Find out more about LOOR.tv by clicking here.

Follow Marcus on Gab here.

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steve@steveenglish.com subject:login and whatever details you remember
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Re: I just received this email from Gab

Unread post by petercaughlin »

Here`s a good Anachranism Thank God I`m an Agnostic
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