The Steve Henshaw Gold Cup, Oliver's Mount

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Lapping the Tail Enders
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Location: Halifax, West Yorkshire

The Steve Henshaw Gold Cup, Oliver's Mount

Unread post by Dan »

Your last chance this year to race at Scarborough’s fabulous Oliver’s Mount circuit, England’s only real road race circuit.

The Steve Henshaw Gold Cup meeting will be held on 7/8 September with a closing date for entries of 18 August

Eligible sidecar classes are:

8a. F2 Sidecars to ACU Regulations 2024
600cc 4-cylinders or 900cc 2-cylinders (No long outfits or 675cc)

8b. Pre-Injection F2 Sidecars to FSRA Pre-Injection Regulations 2024. Carburettor fuelled 4-Strokes to a maximum capacity of 600cc (No long outfits or 675cc)

*No BEARs Sidecar outfits permitted

Please Note: As this is a real road circuit both driver and passenger must have a National Licence

All details can be found here:
Proud and honoured to be a member of Team Past It.
With age comes wisdom, maturity and responsibility.............unless you race sidecars !
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