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Bemsee Offers Sidecar Specific CTC/BRA Course

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:05 pm
A real problem for new riders and passengers in the three-wheeled branch of our sport is how to get your initial Licence. Few Clubs are able to justify the tracktime to offer sidecars to do the Basic Rider Assessment (BRA) part of the course that all riders are now required to do towards getting their first ACU Licence.

The ACU has offered the alternative on new riders doing their BRA on a solo machine since 2014 when the new Licence requirements were introduced. That’s still an option but perhaps not ideal…

Bemsee will run a sidecar specific BRA at Donington on 8th April with tracktime between 5-6pm on the GP Circuit.

Riders & Passengers will have the chance to use their new outfits and get some tracktime in towards their licence on this day, this will also feature the opportunity to do practice starts off the line under race conditions. The Club will also run the classroom CTC course for riders & passengers during the day – or you can opt to do your classroom part at any organisation running CTC courses between now and the season start. This includes Bemsee who have their full solo riding school at Brands Hatch on 20th & 21st February (the classroom CTC is separately held on Saturday 20th)

The Donington date is in advance of the Club’s second race meeting of 2016 on the GP circuit over the weekend of the 9-10th April and is the first event to feature the BMCRC F1 & F2 2016 Sidecar Championship. There’s sidecar testing (for fully Licenced Teams) on the afternoon of Friday 8th April – so for new teams doing their BRA at the end of the day there will be plenty of experienced folk around with guidance and advice on sidecars as well as ACU Club Coaches overseeing your training.

An application form is HERE.... for this event with prices at £50 for the BRA and £35 for CTC parts of the course. You'll also find the ACU 2016 Licence Application Form and the Bemsee Membership Form - all of which you should compete and return to the Bemsee office at Romford. For further guidance call us on 01708 720305

Re: Bemsee Offers Sidecar Specific CTC/BRA Course

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:12 pm
by steve-e
Spot on. One for the front after work.