Molson British Sidecars

Statement regarding COVID-19 and the Molson Group British Sidecar Championship

Molson British Sidecars

Statement regarding COVID-19 and the Molson Group British Sidecar Championship

Following unprecedented measures announced by the Government this week in efforts to combat the Coronavirus pandemic, and the subsequent action taken by MSVR announced yesterday, the ban on UK track racing is confirmed until at least May 31st.

That means the opening two rounds of our championship due to take place at Oulton Park (May 1-3rd) and Donington Park (May 22-24th) will now be postponed, hopefully to reschedule at a later date.

RKB-F1 Motorsport is working closely with MSVR and all involved parties to ensure we keep you advised at the earliest opportunity of developments as they unfold.

Clearly this situation is a constantly changing picture, and is under daily review.

Rest assured it is our intention to get both our British and World series underway as soon as is humanly possible.

Meanwhile, we continue to wish all our teams and supporters the very best of health at this difficult time, and urge you all to follow the guidelines passed to every one of us.

Press Release from the Rob Vine Fund – 25/03/2020

Press Release from the Rob Vine Fund – 25/03/2020

Following the cessation of Motor Sport on the Isle of Man in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic the Directors of the Rob Vine Fund, Registered Charity No.954 (Isle of Man) wish to inform the public of the Isle of Man that they have unanimously decided to make all our equipment available to support the Manx community. This means we can supply the DHSC with:

1. All of the medical equipment in storage for motor sport events on the Isle of Man. The list includes:

• 4 Patient ventilators, suitable for Intensive Care use

• 4 Multipurpose Patient Monitors for use on wards or Intensive Care

• 5 Suction Units

• 8 Adult Advanced Life Support Bags

• 3 Paediatric Advanced Life Support Bags

• 130 Immediate care cases (prepacked with lifesaving medical equipment)

• 130 Scoop Stretchers

• All extra medical equipment currently held in stock

2. We have made available our three frontline ambulances should they be required. These assets have a total value of £750,000

3. The unpaid volunteers of the Hogg Motorsport Association are currently on standby to assist the Isle of Man Ambulance Service in any way they can. We remain committed to supporting the Health Service and the Manx community while the Covid-19 Pandemic continues in any way we can.

We wish to thank everyone who has donated to the Rob Vine Fund which makes this gesture possible. The Directors of the Rob Vine Fund.

PR Opportunity at RKB-F1

Press, Media and TV Person

Whilst we are all in this suspended state, with not very much happening on the surface, it does not mean the feet are not paddling away below. We at RKB-F1 Motorsport are hard at it planning what hopefully will turn out to be the season we all want.

Given we now have 2 Championships running in parallel – The UK and World, we are looking to expand the team on the ground on race weekends, particularly in the area of PR, Social Media and TV.

Ideally we see the person filling this part-time role as a graduate, or a young person wishing to gain experience in the world of marketing and PR with a view to progressing in the field of sport journalism, television or similar.

We currently have TV footage edited and produced for our own website and YouTube channel, whilst the World Championship has a bespoke highlights package produced by the FIM. We are also considering taking interviews and video snapshots at both series, to edit into those shows.

This is an opportunity for a keen graduate or young person to be exposed to the world of motor sport media, and to learn from our already experienced personnel some of the tricks of the trade. More than anything initially, it needs to be considered as work experience, with a view to moving ahead as things develop.

If you feel this is something you would like to become involved in, and are interested in exploring this further, please make contact in the first instance with by sending a current CV along with a covering letter.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The RKB-F1 Motorsport Team

ACU update

Covid-19 Update

In light of recent developments in the COVID-19 crisis, and following the address to the nation by the Prime Minister on the evening of 23rd March, the Auto-Cycle Union has today extended its suspension of all organising permits for motorcycle events until at least 31st May but will be constantly reviewed.

This move provides clear guidance to event organisers, clubs, venues, competitors, officials of the role that the Auto-Cycle Union must play in supporting the broader UK public health agenda.

Auto-Cycle Union Chairman, Roy Humphrey explained, “The government have required that we effectively lock-down for a period of three weeks, however given that the most vulnerable in our society are required to isolate for three months, we feel it only sensible to propose a longer suspension for all motorcycle sport.  This is a time of national unity and we need to come together with the broader public community to do all we can to support this battle and ultimately save lives. 

This evening, Health Secretary, Matt Hancock said the Government is launching a new scheme to recruit 250,000 volunteers to support the NHS through the coronavirus pandemic.  A quarter of a million volunteers, people in good health to help the NHS, for shopping, for the delivery of medicines and to support those who are shielding to protect their own health. We may not be involved in any sporting activities, but, we could help support the NHS through this pandemic!” More information can be found here –

Auto-Cycle Union will continue to monitor the prevailing advice from the UK Government in respect of the COVID-19 international pandemic and will update the motorcycle community accordingly.

MSVR and MCRCB Updates –

Molson British Sidecars

Uncertain times ahead maybe – but we’re all ready and waiting

From Barry Nutley

There can be no denying that what the world is going through with the Coronavirus pandemic right now, is something none of us has ever lived through before.
We have all heard our parents and grandparents waxing lyrical about the hardships that “The War” brought to their daily lives. Indeed Uncle Albert from Only Fools and Horses coined the phrase “durin’ the war” to the constant annoyance of Rodney and Del Boy.

The unprecedented changes and restrictions being imposed on us are hard to take, but we all understand the reasons why.
We have hitherto lived our lives in our own bubble of protected and precious existence whatever form that might take, and for those of us in this great circle of sidecar racing, it is a special bubble.
We have seen the unimaginable happen in the sporting world with Premier League and International football matches cancelled or postponed indefinitely. The mighty Formula One, MotoGP, the Isle of Man TT and World Superbike, along with all other major sporting events where large crowds gather, have all been put on the back burner until goodness knows when.
The British Superbike Championship, with whom we run our series, will make those decisions on our behalf, and theirs is not an easy task. Stuart Higgs and his team have tough calls to make over the next few weeks, and we can only watch and wait.

I am, and always have been, a purveyor of joy and hope – ever the optimist, and I would like to say to you right now that if you sit tight for a couple of weeks, it will be business as usual. But the bottom line is that we simply do not know when this will end, so we must stay ready, remain positive and aim for the golden moment when the wheels turn again in anger.

We’re all dressed up, raring to go, and the party has yet to start – but it will. We have championships to fight for, both British and World, and we have the third running of the absolutely brilliant Cadwell Sidecar Revival to look forward to. The anticipation will only get stronger, and when we return to action – what fantastic action it will be.

Stay strong everyone, stay positive and keep out of trouble, but above all, follow the common sense Government guidelines, and we will all be together on the grid once restrictions are lifted.
Meanwhile, keep polishing and dreaming.

The RKB-F1 team wishes you all the very best through this difficult time.


by Phil Edge

Southern 100 Racing held a meeting of its senior race officials on Wednesday evening 18th March to discuss the running of the 2020 Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Southern 100 Road Races either on the scheduled dates of 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th July or possibly postpone them until later in the year.

It was decided after discussion regarding the present and on-going situation regarding the Coronavirus 19 crisis and the announcement by the Isle of Man Government’s Chief Minister earlier today that the current situation could continue for at least a further six months and after consultation with the club’s Chief Medical Officer regarding the availability of Doctors and Paramedics to cover the races, many of whom travel from the UK, that it is unlikely that they will able to leave their respective positions, we would have insufficient cover to run the races on the scheduled dates or any other.

The Doctors, Paramedics and other medical people who live on the Island will be similarly occupied at Nobles & Ramsey Cottage Hospital and other Medical practices and will like their UK counterparts will be involved with the COVID-19 cover and unlikely to be allowed to take leave.

Added to the lack of medical cover there is also the likelihood of a shortage of Race Marshals due to travel restrictions presently in place which may well be increased between now and July and could result in less than the required number of marshals available to man the 4.25-mile Colas Billown Course.

It was therefore decided by the Race Committee, very reluctantly to announce the cancellation of the 2020 Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Southern 100 Road Races.

The Committee left it was better to take this decision now, rather than defer on a monthly basis in the hope that Medical cover would become available at the ‘last minute’.

Whilst it is major disappointment for the race organisers, we know that the announcement will be met with a similar response from competitors and race fans who enjoy attending the ‘friendly races’ year on year and Southern 100 Racing look forward to welcoming you all back to the Billown Course in 2021.

This also means that the postponement of the Blackford’s Pre-TT Classic Road Races announced in a Media Release on Monday 16th March are now also cancelled. Competitors who have entered will be contacted by the Race or Club Secretary in the next few days.

The dates of the 2021 Road Races on the Billown Course are:

Blackford’s Pre-TT Classic Road Races

Friday, Saturday & Monday 28th, 29th & 31st May 2021

Silicone Racing Post TT Road Races

Saturday 12th June 2010

Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Southern 100 Road Races

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 12th, 13th, 14th & 15th July 2021

Coronavirus (Covid-19) – ACU Statement Update 17/03/20

Statement on Covid-19
On behalf of ACU    

It is with regret that the ACU are suspending all competition and social activity until 30th April 2020, but this will be constantly reviewed. This is in response to the emerging guidance issued by HM UK Government in response to the outbreak of COVID-19.   

All permits for events during this time will be cancelled and reimbursed in full to the organising club/ promoter.    As the National Governing Body would ask all ACU Members to act responsibly and follow the Government’s guidance during this difficult time. We have a responsibility and duty of care to our staff who will be working from home, so please be patient with any queries you may have.   

As of writing (17th March 2020) HM Government have advised: 

  • – Persons to work from home where possible 
  • – People over the age of 70 to minimise social contact 
  • – Emergency services will not support mass gatherings 
  • – Stop non-essential travel  
  • – Avoid pubs, clubs, restaurants and cinemas  

This statement is supported in its entirety by AMCA

Up-to-date information on COVID-19 can be found here:

Joint Oliver’s Mount Racing / 243 Road Racing Association Statement re Coronavirus.

Due to Government advice regarding the avoidance of mass gatherings, slowing the spread of the virus and not tying up essential NHS resource during the current situation, we have taken the unavoidable decision to postpone the Spring Cup from 18th / 19th April and we will be seeking approval from The ACU and Scarborough Borough Council to run the event as The Summer Cup over the weekend of the 15th / 16th August 2020.

All Spring Cup and Season tickets will be valid for the new dates and if anyone purchasing advanced or season tickets cannot or does not wish to attend the Summer Cup, they will be able to receive a refund.

At present, the Oliver’s Mount Festival, Barry Sheene Classic and Gold Cup events remain in the calendar as planned, but will be subject to further review as the situation progresses.

A further post will be released to update how those wishing to obtain a refund on tickets already purchased should progress once we have established a refund process with our ticketing partners, Duke Marketing Ltd.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience, especially for those that have booked accommodation etc. but hopefully it is apparent that we have tried our best to go ahead with The Spring Cup until postponement became inevitable.

‘Prosecution for those who break quarantine’

From Three FM here

Those who disobey new quarantine rules on Island around Coronavirus would face prosecution.

Chief Minister, Howard Quayle MHK, has announced this afternoon anyone arriving on Island by sea or air will have to self-isolate for 14 days as of tomorrow in efforts to prevent the global spread of COVID-19.

Health Minister, David Ashford MHK, confirmed it will be classed as an offence if those required to self-isolate are found not to be adhering to those restrictions.

Government officials have confirmed there are still no cases of the illness on Island.

TT 2020 Cancelled

Isle of Man TT

Announcement from the Isle of Man TT Organisers.

As organisers of the Isle of Man TT Races, it is with deep regret that we must cancel the 2020 event. We share in the disappointment of having no TT in this year, but whole heartedly support any decision that helps to ensure the continued health and wellbeing of all residents, riders and visitors.

Staging the TT is no small undertaking and it simply wouldn’t be possible without the assistance, support and goodwill of countless businesses, organisations and volunteers. We will be talking to each and every one of you over the coming days and weeks about our next steps, but would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your patience and understanding.

Both the Isle of Man and the TT Races have a long, incredible history, and have time and again proved to be as strong and resilient as they are unique. With the continued love and support of all TT fans, we can be confident that the greatest road race in the world will soon return and light up our lives once more.

A full statement on behalf of the Isle of Man Government Department for Enterprise can be found here

(or on the next page of this article on this site).

For the time being, please stay safe, healthy and happy, and we’ll see you all again soon.

The Isle of Man TT Races

2020 World Championship Enrolment open

Entries now Live on the FIM website , thanks Mike.

After another stunning season of competition for the FIM Superside last year we are now ready to kick off 2020.

2019 FIM Sidecar World Championship – Pannoniaring (Hungary) © Mark Walters

As previously announced, the first big news of the starting season is
Santander Salt Ltd & RKB Motorsport, Roger Body’s companies are joining FIM’ s force to promote and develop the FIM Sidecar World Championship.

Despite some recent changes due to Coronavirus, and subject to further developments, the 2020 FIM Sidecar Word Championship Calendar with some exciting changes and additions is now confirmed. 


  • 16-17 May – Lausitzring, Germany
  • 27-28 June – Pannoniaring, Hungary
  • 24-26 July – Brands Hatch, Great Britain 
  • 29-30 August – Rijeka, Croatia
  • 05 September – Le Mans, France
  • 17-20 September – Assen, The Netherlands
  • 03-04 October – Oschersleben, Germany
  • 24-25 October – Estoril, Portugal

Also, thanks to the new promoter, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Entry Portal for prospective competitors – CLICK HERE.